
Tomato Companion Plants

Companion plants for tomato can improve their growth, repel insects, diseases and it's a great way to maximize the efficiency of your plants and your vegetables.
Companion plants for tomato can improve their growth, repel insects, diseases and it's a great way to maximize the efficiency of your plants and your vegetables. Read on to expand your knowledge about these companion plants and how they benefit your beloved tomato plants.

Here are some of the best companion planting combinations for your tomato plants

Basil is a favorable aromatic plant to grow near tomatoes and purportedly increases not only the vigor of the tomatoes, but their flavor as well.
Basil is a favorable aromatic plant to grow near tomatoes and purportedly increases not only the vigor of the tomatoes, but their flavor as well.
Marigolds provide a natural pest deterrent to tomato plants. With their strong repulsive odor marigolds are quite significant at keeping tomato worms away.
Marigolds provide a natural pest deterrent to tomato plants. With their strong repulsive odor marigolds are quite significant at keeping tomato worms away. This aromatic plant can help repel root-knot nematodes, microscopic worms that live in the soil and can damage vegetable and fruit plants.
The roots of marigold produce secretions that contain flavonoids, amines, amides, phenols and ketones that have insecticidal and nematicidal effects.
The roots of marigold produce secretions that contain flavonoids, amines, amides, phenols and ketones that have insecticidal and nematicidal effects.
Calendula also known as pot marigold, repels whitefly from tomato plants, and it also attracts beneficial insects, including ladybirds, lacewings and hoverflies, which prey on aphids.
Calendula also known as pot marigold, repels whitefly from tomato plants, and it also attracts beneficial insects, including ladybirds, lacewings and hoverflies, which prey on aphids.
Companion planting chamomile with tomatoes, improves the health and flavour of your tomatoes, and deter pests too.
Companion planting chamomile with tomatoes, improves the health and flavour of your tomatoes, and deter pests too.
Borage offers a lovely companion planting for tomatoes. Planted near tomato plants, borage releases calcium and potassium into the soil, which can tomatoes to combat diseases such as blossom rot.
Borage offers a lovely companion planting for tomatoes. Planted near tomato plants, borage releases calcium and potassium into the soil, which can tomatoes to combat diseases such as blossom rot.
Oregano doesn't just taste good, it's also one of the best tomato companion plants. with its strong scent helping to keep pests away from tomato plants.
Oregano doesn't just taste good, it's also one of the best tomato companion plants. with its strong scent helping to keep pests away from tomato plants. 
Sage can grow well alongside tomatoes

Sage can grow well alongside tomatoes. Sage repels flea beetles and attracts beneficial insects to tomato plants.

Lettuce and tomatoes grow quite nicely together, lettuce is a good companion plant for tomatoes in many ways, lettuce makes a nice ground cover that acts as mulch to hold moisture in the soil and keep the soil cool.

Lettuce and tomatoes grow quite nicely together, lettuce is a good companion plant for tomatoes in many ways, lettuce makes a nice ground cover that acts as mulch to hold moisture in the soil and keep the soil cool. Lettuce also helps prevent the spread of disease and damage caused to tomato leaves by water splashing up from the soil. In return, lettuce can benefit from the shade of the tomato plants.

Mint makes a wonderful companion to your tomatoes, as the aroma of the mint deters aphids and other pests.

Mint makes a wonderful companion to your tomatoes, as the aroma of the mint deters aphids and other pests.

Growing tomato plants next to garlic repels spider mites. You can plant garlic next to your tomato plants as a natural insecticide.

Growing tomato plants next to garlic repels spider mites. You can plant garlic next to your tomato plants as a natural insecticide.

Parsley can be used to keep aphids away from your tomatoes and it also attracts hoverflies, which prey on aphids that can attack tomato plants.

Parsley can be used to keep aphids away from your tomatoes and it also attracts hoverflies, which prey on aphids that can attack tomato plants. Keep in mind tha not all varieties of tomatoes do well with parsley, so you need to research your varieties very well before planting.

Companion planting is a vital part of organic gardening. Proper plant combinations in the vegetable garden can help deflect pests or insects and improve the flavor of your crops. Consider adding them to your vegetable garden to experience their wonderful benefits. I hope that you find ways for companion planting to help improve your tomato plants growing!

Happy Organic Gardening!

My Name Is Chokri I am From TUNISIA *I like Organic Gardening* Whether you’re a beginner or an old hand, planting in a pot or a plot, I will help you to understand and learn how to start, plant and grow your tastiest organic vegetables, beautiful flowers, and much more!

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