

Aromatic plants and herbs can be used for cooking and medicinal purposes for their essential oils
Humans have used plant volatiles, "the aromatic parts of plants", for thousands of years to improve their well-being and to treat all types of illnesses. The beneficial effects of aromatic and medicinal plants, as well as their use and contribution to the development of medicine, are rooted in antiquity. During the 3rd Dynasty (2650-2575 BC) in Egypt, the process of embalming and mummification was developed by the Egyptians in their search for immortality. Frankincense, myrrh, galbanum, cinnamon, cedarwood, juniper berry and spikenard are all known to have been used at some stage to preserve the bodies of their royalty in preparation of the after-life. The valuable herbs and spices they needed were laboriously transported across inhospitable deserts by Arab merchants for distribution to Assyria, Babylon, China, Egypt, Greece, Rome and Persia. The most sought after materials were frankincense and myrrh, and because during those early trading years demand outstripped supply they had a value equal to that of gems and precious metals. Tombs uncovered in Mesopotamia (now Iraq) as old as 60,000 years held remains of medicinal herbs preserved with the humans buried there. Over 5,000 years ago, Ancient Egyptians had acquired an extensive catalog of plants (many of them herbs) that could be used as laxatives, relief for headaches and other ailments. Thyme was used as far back as 3,000 BC in Sumaria as an antiseptic. Both the seeds and leaves of coriander (cilantro) have been used in cooking for millennia, and coriander is considered one of the oldest spices in the world, probably dating as far back as 5000 b.c. Today, it is a major component in various traditional ethnic cooking. Traditionally, it is used to treat digestive and gastric complaints, small pox, nausea, anemia, fevers, measles, colds and hernias.

Both the seeds and leaves of coriander (cilantro) have been used in cooking for millennia, and coriander is considered one of the oldest spices in the world

During the Middle Ages, after a nearly thousand year lull, botanical knowledge again began to accumulate and expand. Much of the base of the medieval valid knowledge had been preserved and was now imported from Arabic cultures. Myths persisted, however. Dill was believed to have magical powers. Rosemary was thought to be able to ward off plague.
Sage was used in an attempt to treat epilepsy. Chinese and Indian herbalists in the east were busy all the while, accumulating their own storehouse of information about the helpful qualities of certain herbs. Ginseng is only one of the better known examples.
Rosemary has long been popular for its flavor and scent, but it is also rich in iron, calcium, and vitamin B-6, as well as antioxidants.

The Renaissance was, in essence, the rebirth of Greek-style science - observation and validation by experimentation. Though, the Greeks weren't entirely consistent in that approach. During the 16th and 17th centuries, knowledge of the beneficial effects of certain herbs grew by leaps and bounds. Nicholas Culpeper published an herbal compendium in 1652 that listed an extensive array of herbal remedies known in Great Britain.
Lemon verbena oil is commonly used in perfumes and cosmetics for an additional citrusy scent, especially in Europe.

Aromatic plants in the form of oil and incense were elements of religious and therapeutic practices in early cultures worldwide. In addition, anointment with perfumes and fragrant oils was an almost universal practice. Burning incense in rituals provided a connection between the physical and spiritual—between the mundane and the divine. The word perfume comes from the Latin per, meaning “through,” and fume, meaning “smoke.” It was a common belief that contact with the divine could be achieved through the smoke of incense.
The most interesting health benefits of  scented geranium include its ability to lower stress levels, reduce inflammation, relieve menstrual pain, strengthen the immune system, ease digestion.
The ancient Egyptians believed that deities were embodied in the smoke and fragrance of temple incense. In addition, aromatics were used to deepen meditation and purify the spirit, as well as to add subtlety to their sophisticated system of magic. Dating to approximately 1500 BCE, the Ebers papyrus is the oldest written record of Egyptian use of medicinal plants. Along with the physical details of plants, the manuscript contains related spells and incantations. It also mentions fine oils for perfumery and incense. Made from healing herbs, many of the perfumed oils doubled as medicines. Likewise, Egyptian priests often doubled as physicians and perfumers. Those who specialized in embalming the dead also used their expertise for the living by creating mixtures to beautify skin and protect it from the harsh, damaging desert climate. The Egyptians loved to use simple fragrances in their daily lives and did so at every opportunity. At festivals and celebrations, women wore perfumed cones on their heads which would melt under the heat, releasing their beautiful fragrance. After bathing, they would anoint their bodies with oil to protect them from the drying effects of the baking sun and to rejuvenate their skin. The Egyptians continued to refine their use of aromatics in incense, medicine, cosmetics, and finally perfumes. Until just a few hundred years before the birth of Christ, the Egyptian perfumery industry was celebrated as the finest in the whole of the Middle East and beyond. So great was their reputation as master perfumers, that when Julius Caesar returned home with Cleopatra after conquering Egypt around 48 BC, perfume bottles were tossed to the crowds to demonstrate his total domination over Egypt.

The eugenol present in the leaves of basil ensures anti-inflammatory action in the digestive tract and helps balance acid within the body and restores the body's proper pH level.

Aromatic plants and herbs can be used for cooking and medicinal purposes for their essential oils, herbs have always played a central part in Italian cuisine, such as rosemary, basil, sage, tarragon and parsley. Their aim is to add zest to already exquisite dishes, to flavor meat and fish or to simply act as a garnish, aesthetically pleasing to the eye and whetting the appetite.
Herbs often get overlooked when talking about what makes up a healthy diet. Because of their high antioxidant content, the myriad vitamins, minerals and other nutrients they contain, and the numerous health benefits with which they are associated, they also contain a wide variety of nutrients and offer a significant number of health benefits.

Calendula oil may have antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that might make it useful in healing wounds, soothing eczema, and relieving diaper rash.

Aromatic plants and herbs are not just used to create aromatic and extremely delicious cuisines worldwide, but they pack enough nutrients to help enhance your overall health. This is why many people are searching for a more natural, safer way to treat their medical problems.

There's many aromatic and medicinal plants that you can grow right in your own garden to treat everything from headaches to infections

There's many aromatic and medicinal plants that you can grow right in your own garden to treat everything from headaches to infections, and by growing medicinal plants at home you can treat many common health problems naturally. They’re easy to grow and offer you a range of healing benefits, and one of the best benefits of growing your own herbs is having fresh herbs right at your fingertips. Before planting your garden, do research to determine which plants or herbs have the therapeutic benefits you’re searching for and to make sure they will grow well in your area, as some will thrive in your region while others may not grow well. By choosing the ones that grow best in your area, it will be easier to grow healthy plants and you will enjoy their benefits.

Aromatic plants are wonderful for creating an ambiance in your home with their pleasant fragrances and unique beauty

Introducing aromatic plants into your garden adds a sensual and natural touch to your home environment. These wonderful plants add a special touch to any garden, creating a sense of romance and a special kind of beauty, and they are great to have around at home. They’re resistant, and they don’t need especially nutritious soil to grow and survive. Aromatic plants are wonderful for creating an ambiance in your home with their pleasant fragrances and unique beauty. Plus, growing them doesn’t require a lot of space or money. I hope you are now convinced by the wonders of aromatic plants? I encouraged you to start growing any of these at home?

Please let us know if you will grow any of these to enjoy and live a more natural and healthy life!

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